Pay Off That Christmas Shopping List with 0 Interest Rate Credit Cards
Balancing a Christmas budget can be tough, but 0 interest credit cards are a great way to eliminate extra money that a consumer has to pay for their purchases. The holidays can be a very expensive time of year, and consumers across the country often find themselves in a frenzy of spending, trying to make sure that no one on their list is left out and that they have everything they need before the holiday arrives. Unfortunately, this spending in November and December can lead to a large number of bills once January arrives, and many families feel the pinch on their budgets after the holidays.
Zero percent APR credit cards give consumers the chance to make purchases but without the massive interest charges. Standard credit cards offered by major banks can come with annual interest rates of 12, 15, or even 18 percent per year, which can add up to a significant amount once Christmas purchases are put onto a card. 0 interest credit cards will typically come with zero percent interest for a prescribed period of time – six to 12 months on average. This zero percent applies to any new purchases made and can often apply to balance transfers from other credit cards. Credit cards with these special offers may also come with the ability to get paid back cash if certain retailers are used.
Using 0 interest credit cards can help make sure that a Christmas shopping trip costs only as much as what is being bought, or can be used to move over the balance on an existing card that has been used for Xmas shopping. Debt can be difficult to escape once interest charges start racking up, and purchase interest can eat up most of the payment a consumer makes on their card. By accessing low or zero percent interest rate credit cards, consumers can pay of their Christmas shopping list quickly and make sure that they have money left over when the next holiday season rolls around.
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