Best Small Business Credit Cards
Best Small Business Credit Cards
When starting a small business, it may seem counterintuitive to have credit card debt right off the bat. But like any business, you have to spend money to make money. And for small business owners, credit cards have benefits well beyond great cash flow and ease-of-use.
The hardest part of entrepreneurship for most small business owners is bookkeeping; developing the discipline to create, and keep, an effective budget. Business credit cards allow small business owners to keep business and personal expenses completely separate.
This comes in handy when tax season rolls around. Credit card statements and online tools make it easy to extract your business expenses on your Schedule C or other business tax forms. If you ever get audited, you have a much better case if you can show that you keep your business and personal expenses completely separate. It also makes bookkeeping easier because your credit card company automatically tallies up and, in most cases, categorizes your expenses for you.
Some credit cards help you out more than others. At, you can compare these cards side-by-side and see which will help you most effectively. Here are just a few that we love.
True Earnings Costco Business American Express Credit Card
This card tops tons of small business hot lists for its high-value rewards on things small business owners need like travel, gas and entertainment expenses. The card offers 4% cash back on your first $6,500 worth of gas at any Costco or domestic gas station; 3% cash back on eating out and dining at restaurants; 2% cash back on all travel purchases which include plane tickets, lodging, cruises, tour operators; etc, and 1% cash back on everything else.
Citibank Credit Cards Dividend Rewards Card
Citibank Credit Cards Dividend Rewards Card offers 5% off of gas, groceries, drug stores, and utilities for 6 months, after which it becomes 2%. Also, there’s 1% cash back on everything else.s
Simply Cash OPEN American Express Credit Card
When it comes to cash back, you can’t beat Simply Cash, an American Express Credit Card. The card offers 5% cash back on office supply and wireless purchases, 3% cash back on all automobile gasoline purchases and 1% cash back on everything else. Cash back is automatically credited every month. But unlike a lot of other small business cards, Simply Cash requires no annual fee.
Check out these and other credit card offers at
Labels: american express credit cards, business credit cards, citibank credit cards
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