Protect yourself from Credit Card Identity Theft
Each year, millions of people fall victim to credit card identity theft. Criminals use an individual’s personal information to commit credit card fraud, and rack up thousands of dollars in charges leaving the victim to deal with the consequences. Learn more about how these criminals obtain your personal information and what steps you may take decrease your risk of becoming a victim of credit card fraud.
How do these criminals obtain an individual’s credit information?
Identity theft criminals acquire an individual’s personal information by stealing their wallet, purse, stealing their credit or debit card numbers, stealing bank statements, stealing personal employee files, conducting scams by posing as government officials, and even by going as far as rummaging through a victims trash. Most victims don’t become aware that their identity has been stolen until several months later. In fact, some victims go years without knowing their identity has been violated.
How can you prevent becoming a victim of credit identity theft?
Always be careful when making online purchases. Make sure the website is legit and security protected. At Customer Credit Cards, we take the steps to ensure our customers’ information is guarded and well-secured. The credit companies we work with also go to extreme lengths to ensure the protection of their customers’ identity.
In addition to improving how well you regulate your online purchasing, you should destroy all documents that include your phone number, social security number, and address. Such documents include: personal checks, expired drivers licenses, bank statements, credit card statements, and paystubs. These documents are often lost or misplaced, and if found in the wrong hands, it could lead you to serious credit trouble in the future.
Browse through the Customer Credit Cards website and view our available credit cards to find out more about our great deals!
Labels: credit card fraud, customer credit cards, identify theft, stolen identity
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