Smart Credit Card Habits when taking a Vacation
Using a credit card to pay for the primary amount of your vacation expense could be the best and safest way to pay for your travel needs. However, there must be precautions taken before setting off to your foreign destination. At Customer Credit Cards we encourage our customers to use and take advantage of all the benefits credit card companies offer consumers. Continue reading to learn tips regarding smart credit card practices when planning a vacation.
- This may sound obvious, but just as a reminder make sure the credit card you plan on using when vacationing at your chosen foreign destination is widely accepted. You do not want to get to your vacation destination to find out the card you chose to bring isn'tof any value.
- Depending on the card, you may end up paying tons in fees. Some credit companies charge card holders 2% of every ATM transaction they make while abroad. The best way to avoid paying foreign fees for using your card is to apply for a credit card that waives those fees.
- Always call your credit company to let them know you will be leaving the country. This is necessary because if you use your card abroad it could be flagged as a fraud charge and your card will not be active until you get in touch with a representative so they can reactivate your card.
- Keep your card with you at all times and in a safe place. A zipper pocket on your person would be the best way to avoid losing or having your card stolen. It is always important to take extra precaution when traveling in areas you are not familiar with.
Labels: 0 intrest credit cards, customer credit cards, traveling tips, vacationing with credit cards
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