Create Your Own Credit Card with Discover
Are you a student having difficulty choosing a credit card without limiting restrictions or boring neutral card designs? Well, now Discover offers a unique credit card where you are in total control. That's right. The Discover Student CardBuilder literally allows students to have full control in building their own credit card!
With this credit card from Discover, students are given the freedom to choose the card's introductory APRs as well as the duration for purchases. Having this choice will help students become familiar with how a credit card is used without being overwhelmed or confused by hidden fees or fine print restrictions. They will be fully aware their credit card plans because they are the ones who created them. Students can then focus their attention on being financially responsible and building a good credit history.
Another great customization option with the Discover Student CardBuilder is that students have the opportunity to choose the design of their credit card. These designs from Discover range from a mix tape, to an American flag, to a beach scene, to a city skyline and everything in between. With this large selection of designs to pick from students are sure to find one to express their unique personalities. There simply is no better way to find a credit card that meets all of your financial needs than to make it yourself. By building a card as unique as you there is no way you can go wrong!
For more information about this Discover card and how it compares to other student credit cards, please visit our site.
Labels: Discover
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